Nursing Services
You can make appointments with the nurse for:
Cervical Smears All women from 20-61 are strongly advised to have a cervical smear every three years. This important test will be carried out by one of our female Practice Nurses and should preferably be carried out mid cycle. A national recall system reminds patients to make an appointment. This may be made at reception. Patients are notified by post of the result.
Chronic Disease Management Clinics
- Asthma Review
- Heart Disease Monitoring
- Diabetic Review
- COPD Review
The practice runs recall systems for all these clinics. Patients will be reviewed by the practice nurse and a recall date set. This will generally be for one year, but reviews may be more frequent if clinically necessary. Patients are reminded to make an appointment. Attendance at the clinics is encouraged and enables the nurse to monitor conditions and provide help and advice to patients.
Family Planning Advice is given by consultation with a doctor or our specially trained nurse at a routine appointment. Advice on contraception is available and appointments for coil or implant fittings can be arranged at the Practice. Recall systems are operated to remind patients to have their contraceptive device checked or replaced.
Flu Vaccinations An influenza vaccination is recommended for patients with heart, lung or kidney disease, those with diabetes, those who are resident in nursing homes or rest homes, those who are carers and all patients over 65. Walk in clinics are held each autumn.
Treatment Room The following services are provided by the practice nurses in daily Treatment Room Clinics:-
- Baby immunisations
- wound dressing
- injections e.g. for foreign travel
- ECGs requested by GPs
- stitch removal
Appointments may be booked with Reception.
Health Care Assistant Services
Blood Tests
Phlebotomy clinic is run by our Phlebotomist every Tuesday. The clinic is in the morning and the blood samples are collected and taken to the laboratory for analysis. Appointments for blood tests may be made at Reception. The test must have been requested by a GP, nurse or hospital clinician. Results of blood tests are usually available within 2 working days.
Hypertension Reviews Patients with high blood pressure are encouraged to attend annual review appointments with the Nurse or Health Care Assistant. Blood pressure will be checked and advice on healthy eating, smoking and drinking is available. A recall system is run to remind patients to attend the clinic.
New Patient Medicals New patients are encouraged to come and see our HCA on registration. This gives us an opportunity to collect information on any current medical conditions, medication, allergies and relevant family history prior to the patient's medical notes arriving from their previous practice. It is also helpful if this is done in advance of any appointment with the doctor as it provides them with information they may need during the consultation.
GP Services
Minor Surgery Our doctor performs minor operations including the joint injections. Initial consultation is by routine appointment with the GP and a further appointment is arranged at the Surgery for the procedure.