Covid-19 Out of Hours News

The Broadway, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 2AJ

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                           HEALTHCARE TEAM


Care Navigator/Patient Advisor

A Care Navigator/Patient Advisor is a member of the administration or reception team who’s had additional training to enable them to direct our patients to  the right health professional.

Care Navigators ask patients to describe their problem(s) or condition(s) and they will then signpost each patient to the right professional. This could be someone in our practice like a Paramedic, Nurse or GP, or they could refer a patient to local services such as social services.


A Paramedic or Emergency Care Practitioner is a registered paramedic who’s completed additional training, enabling them to:

Carry out home visits, Undertake face-to-face and telephone triage, Manage patients with common illnesses or minor injuries. Advise patients on healthcare matters including the self-management of conditions. Carry out health checks and reviews. Perform and read ECGs.

Physician Associates

Physician Associates are medically trained across a wide range of conditions. They can:

See patients with a range of medical conditions, Undertake physical examinations. See patients with long-term conditions. Diagnose and formulate management plans. Request and interpret tests and investigations. Provide health promotion/ill-health prevention advice

Clinical Pharmacist 

A Clinical Pharmacist is a registered pharmacist who’s undertaken additional training to enable them to work autonomously in general practice.

A Clinical Pharmacist can triage and manage patients with common illnesses, Manage and prescribe medication(s) for patients with long-term conditions, Review patient medications including processing repeat prescription requests, Support the practice team with medicines optimisation.

First Contact Physiotherapist

A First Contact Physiotherapist is a qualified autonomous clinical practitioner who can assess, diagnose, treat and manage musculoskeletal problems enabling them to:

Be accessed directly by patients. Receive referrals from other members of staff. Provide rapid and accurate diagnoses and management plans. Give expert advice to patients on how to best manage their own conditions. Arrange further investigations and onward referrals

Pharmacy Technician

Pharmacy Technicians are registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council and work alongside other members of the practice team.

A Pharmacy Technician supports patients in getting the best outcomes from their medicines, Carries out prescribing audits,Supports the team with medication safety.

Care Coordinators

Care Coordinators are personalised care professionals who help to provide capacity and expertise in supporting patients across the health and care system enabling them to:

Work collaboratively with patients and clinicians to support shared decision making  regarding treatment pathways and the choices available. Support patient self management. Provide personalised care and support planning

Offer social prescribing to non-clinical community services, these include groups supporting those with long term and mental health conditions and those who feel isolated. Plan personal health budgets to support disabled people and people with long term conditions to give them more choice, flexibility and control over their care

Social Prescribing Link Worker

A Social Prescribing Link Worker is a member of the team who’s had specialist training that enables them to support patients in making positive changes in their lives, including:

Supporting patients with long-term conditions, including self-management. Creating personalised care and support plans based on what matters to the patient. Introducing patients to community groups. Safeguarding vulnerable patients.