Covid-19 Out of Hours News

The Broadway, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 2AJ

Email    Tel: 01843 608836

Contact Details


Holiday Travel

If you are travelling abroad it is sensible to make provision well in advance of your expected date of travel, if possible a minimum of eight weeks.

The Surgery can give full guidance on health matters relating to travel abroad and long haul flights.

Our practice nurses have up-to-date information and would be delighted to discuss your individual requirements.

The Surgery keeps a stock of travel forms that we ask you to complete for the nurse before your appointment. By assessing your itinery and using the latest medical global information she can plan the best advice on your personal travel requirement.

Please ask for a form at reception or alternatively you can download our Travel Health Questionnaire (Word document).


Useful Websites

Fit for Travel - a public access website provided by the NHS (Scotland). It gives travel health information for people travelling abroad from the UK.

Foreign and Commonwealth Office